The Perceptions and Preparedness of Teachers towards Professional Teacher Licensing Policy in Ghana
Sampson Emmanuel Ansah
Zhejiang Normal University, College of Education, Jinhua, China, 3210004

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The aim of this study was to evaluate how Senior High School teachers in the Bono Region of Ghana perceive and prepare for the implementation of the professional teacher licensing policy.


The study utilized a descriptive survey approach, which allowed the researcher to directly observe the phenomena under investigation. A sample of 300 teachers from Basic Schools in the Sunyani Municipality was selected using a simple random sampling method. The participants were given a questionnaire to complete, and the heads of the selected schools were also interviewed.


The study revealed that teacher licensing aims to showcase the competence of teachers. Additionally, it was found that most teachers have limited knowledge about the teacher licensing policy due to a lack of discussion on the topic. There is a negative but statistically insignificant relationship between teachers’ perception and their perceived effects of the licensure policy, and their performance on the job (p-values>0.05).


In conclusion, the study indicates that teachers generally understand that licensing grants them legal approval to practice their profession. However, the policy may impose financial burdens on teachers and potentially reduce the number of individuals pursuing a career in teaching. However, there is no statistically insignificant relationship between teachers’ perception and their perceived effects of the licensure policy, and their performance on the job.


Licensure, Professionalism, Perception, Preparedness, Policy


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