1Kamelia, 2Yusril DWI Mahendra, 3Evi Muafiah, 4Muh. Alwan Hamid Al Harisi
1,2Master of Islamic Education Management, IAIN Ponorogo
3Rector of IAIN Ponorogo
4Bachelor of English Education, IAIN Ponorogo
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i8-73Google Scholar Download Pdf
To make students have noble characters (good behavior), institutions will always look for good ways to instill character values in students, including the institution that the author examines, Wali Songo Ngabar Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School. In Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School, since the boarding school holds activities, then, in these activities there are character values instilled in students, as the main source in the implementation of social life must have a character that can humanize humans so that in social activities there are limits to the existence, administration, and manners that every human being must have. This research uses a qualitative approach, and the type of research is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach, while the problem formulations in this thesis are: (1) How are the planning, implementation, and activation of programs at Wali Songo Ngabar Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School? (2) How does the boarding school support character education at Wali Songo Ngabar Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School? (3) And how is the impact of changes in the management of student character education at Wali Songo Ngabar Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School? This thesis is very helpful for the author in adding insight into mindsets, attitudes, and experiences in character-building efforts. They produce social life, namely making programs that are useful for the development and formation of student character. From the results of this study, the authors concluded that: (1) Planning, implementing, and supervising the programs of the student’s parents of Wali Songo Ngabar Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School in implementing character education through activity programs in the boarding school that have been agreed upon by the leader of the boarding school and other administrators (administrators through discipline and giving rules or giving examples or actual examples from the boarding school environment, (3) The impact of changes in education management on the character of students from students’ parents is the increased trust of parents or students guardians to send their children to boarding schools whose graduates are accepted in quality schools, accepted in the community.
KEYWORDS:Management of Character Education, Student, the Globalization Era
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