1Binti Masruroh, 2Afni Ma’rufah, 3Nur Kolis, 4Sugiyar
1,2,3,4State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i8-74Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study analyzes the role and learning leadership strategies of Transformational teachers in implementing the Freedom to Learn Program at Garuda Kindergarten and Tunas Bangsa PKK Kindergarten, Ponorogo Regency. The research method used is qualitative research with a case study approach. The study population included the transformation force teachers involved in the Independent Learning Program in the two kindergartens. The research sample was selected based on specific criteria, and data were collected through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis. Data analysis was performed using thematic analysis. The study results show that Transformational teachers are essential in implementing the Freedom to Learn program. They demonstrate effective learning leadership by engaging with other teachers, encouraging collaboration, and providing peer support and coaching. Transformational teachers also use innovative learning strategies and focus on developing student competencies. In addition, Transformational teachers also overcome various obstacles in program implementation, such as limited resources and paradigm shifts in education. These findings indicate that the Transformational teacher's learning leadership plays an essential role in driving the success of the Freedom to Learn program. The research results provide a deeper understanding of the Transformational teacher's role in this program's context and provide suggestions for developing education policy and practice at the local and national levels.
KEYWORDS:Learning leadership, driving teacher, Free Learning Program, Garuda Kindergarten, Tunas Bangsa PKK Kindergarten, Ponorogo Regency
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