The Leadership Style of Female Madrasah Principals in Improving Teacher Performance at MIN 5 Magetan
1Guntur Aji Saputro, 2Wisnu Qholik, 3Evi Muafiah
1,2,3Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i8-77Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to describe the leadership style of female Madrasah heads at MIN 5 Magetan. The managerial competence of female Madrasah heads through their leadership style proves that women in leadership can play a role with a leadership model that can empower others and is very capable of communicating with staff. As a leader or head of a madrasah, he certainly has a leadership style that is applied in carrying out his profession for the advancement of an educational institution and the performance of teachers in that institution. This research is qualitative research with a single case study, namely, only one research location. The results of the study show that the leadership style of the Head of Madrasah MIN 5 Magetan is a transformational leadership style with a constructive and advanced perspective and thinking and actions that have an impact on teacher performance, including the formation of quality teaching human resources such as an organized learning planning process, learning implementation process, assessment/ evaluation, problem-solving, assistance to students, improvement of facilities, to the creation of programs for the advancement of Madrasahs. Leadership Style, Managerial Competence, Female Principals, Teacher Performance
KEYWORDS:Leadership Style, Managerial Competence, Female Principals, Teacher Performance
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