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Corporate Accountability for the Illegal Crimes of Human Trafficking in Indonesia
1Joko Handono, 2Joko Setiyono
1,2Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

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The progress of human trafficking crime in Indonesia, since the beginning of Indonesia has categorized human trafficking asa form of criminal action under article 297 of the criminal code. However, since human trafficking is an organized transnational crime, it is necessary to bring about a renewed commitment to fight and eradicate, the 2007 act of no. 21 was enacted on the elimination of criminal trafficking. So based on the background it has been raised to a corporation's responsibility for the criminal trafficking of human trafficking in Indonesia. The type of research used is normative legal research. Normative legal research is a process to find a rule of law, legal principles, and legal doctrines in order to answer the legal issues faced. In determining corporate accountability for the crimes of the people's trade, the result of the accountability of the common acetypical criminal (subjective terms) such as the presence of responsible assets, the absence of errors of both arson and negligence, the absence of those that constitute the reason for the removal of the criminal. Certainly in determining how the accountability of the corporation is adjusted according to the theory of criminal trafficking of human trafficking it would be appropriate to use the theory vicarious liabillity for holding corporate accountability in the criminal crime of human trafficking.


Accountability, Corporation, Illegal Crimes Of Human Trafficking.

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