1Eddwar Martua Pandjaitan, 2Lazarus Tri Setyawanta
1,2Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i8-87Google Scholar Download Pdf
The increasing corruption of public services is fueled by system weakness and the need to prevent the country's existing moral endemption. The study was intended to outline the prevention of public service corruption in criminal optics. The method of studies USES normative legal research, through constitutional and conceptual approaches. Studies suggest that governments must pursue policies to prevent the corruption of public services, which is: Adopting crime-prevention theories, such as situational crime prevention, strengthening bureaucratic ethics and governance through good corporate governance, highly sanctioning bureaucrats who receive gratuities in their performance, reward honest bureaucrats, socializing the massive and systematic impact of corruption of sda in society, forming integrated online licensing systems, organizing bureaucratic cultures, And improved licensing process time limits.
KEYWORDS:Strategy, Corruption, Public
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