Psycho-Sociological Determinants of Retirees Perception of Neighbourhood Security in Ibadan, Nigeria
1Adeyemi, S.V., 2Oyesoji Aremu, 3Olatorera, J.D.
1Department of Counselling Psychology Education,b Lagos State University of Education, Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria
2,3Department of Counselling and Human Development Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i8-93Google Scholar Download Pdf
Neighbourhood security has become a global concern with negative psychological effects especially anxiety and fear. The retirees who are mostly older adults perceive themselves as easy targets; and are more conscious of environmental safety and dissonance as these affect their lives. This study, therefore, investigated psycho-sociological determinants of retirees’ perception on neighbourhood security in Ibadan, Nigeria. The simple random sampling technique was utilised to select 200 retirees. The study utilised and adopted scales: perceived neighbourhood security α =.76, security awareness α =.91, personal safety α =.88, neighbourhood connectedness α =.88, burnout α =.71, quality of life α =.83; and socio-economic status. Three research questions were answered using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis at 0.05 level of significance. Analyses showed that neighbourhood connectedness (r =.979, p<0.05), burnout (r =.302, p<0.05), quality of life (r =.964, p<0.05) and socio-economic status (r =.641, p>0.05) had significant relationships on retirees’ perception of neighbourhood security. Similarly, security awareness (r =.073, p>0.05), personal safety (r =.011, p>0.05) and gender (r =.050, p>0.05) had significant relationships on retirees’ perception of neighbourhood security. The entire independent variables accounted for jointly accounted for 96.2% variance in determining retirees’ perception of neighbourhood security. These are discussed with their implications on neighbourhood security as it related to retirees. The study makes some recommendations that could impact on neighbourhood security management in Nigeria.
keyword:Neighbourhood security, Psychosocial factors, Retirees perception
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