Muslim Lenders' Perspective on Fintech Investment on the Peer-to-Peer Sharia Financial Technology Platform (Case Study on the Muslim Lenders of PT. Dana Syariah Indonesia in the Province of West Java)
1Ahmad Iqbal Tanjung, 2Ahmad Zahro, 3AH Ali Arifin
1Students in the phd postgraduate program in Islamic economics Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel city of Surabaya,Indonesia
2Professor and Lecturer at Sunan Ampel State Islamic University in Surabaya, Indonesia's Postgraduate Program in Islamic Economics
3Lecturer at Sunan Ampel State Islamic University in Surabaya, Indonesia's Postgraduate Program in Islamic Economics

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The objective of this study is to investigate the comprehension of the concept of investing in the Sharia-compliant Peer to Peer lending investment instrument PT Dana Syariah Indonesia, and to develop a model of investor behavior based on this understanding. The focus of this study is to develop a framework for the application of the investor behavior model in the context of investment decision-making. This study employs a phenomenological research approach, utilizing both primary and secondary data sources. The primary data sources include interviews, observations, and documentation, while the secondary data sources are also utilized. The sources of this study consist of lenders affiliated with PT Dana Syariah Indonesia residing in the West Java Province. The research results are analyzed using various theoretical frameworks, including the Theory of Planned Behavior, Investment Theory, Behavioral Finance Theory, and decision-making behavior. The findings of this study suggest that the concept of investment for lenders entails a dual objective, encompassing both financial gain in the form of returns and tangible outcomes. Furthermore, the investment decisions of lenders are influenced by thirtee n reasons provided by five informants, encompassing past, present, and future orientations. The third implementation of investment refers to the execution or enactment undertaken by the lender regarding the internalization of adopted values, trust in intuition, and confidence in future outcomes. One of the fundamental factors in making investment decisions is the adoption of values, particularly the trust placed in intuition. The act of making a choice or reaching a conclusion. The economic perspective of Shariacompliant Peer to Peer lending products pertains to the principles outlined in muamalah fiqh. The regulations governing the principles of Muamalah Fiqh are further reinforced by the legal framework, specifically the OJK Regulation and MUI Fatwa.


Investment, lenders, Sharia Peer to Peer Lending, Investment Decision Making, Intuition

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