Historical Thinking Model: A Specific Model for History Learning
1Iqrima Basri, 2Zafri, 3 Hera Hastuti
1,2,3Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

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The problems in learning history are endless. This is natural because science develops when there are problems. However, in learning history, no matter how sophisticated the media, the design of good methods and strategies, and the application of dynamic models, it seems that it has not been able to provide the most appropriate solution to the problem. The purpose of this research is to develop a history learning model that is specifically based on the characteristics of history itself, namely the Historical Thinking Model. Historical Thinking is not new in history, but using it as a learning model has never been done before. Historical Thinking actually has structured stages in its analysis, firstly chronological thinking, then causal thinking, interpretation, threedimensional time thinking, and finally taking the value or meaning of each event. These stages were then developed into the syntax of the learning model. This research was conducted using the Research and Development method with the ADDIE model.


Historical Thinking, Learning Model, Chronology, Causality, Interpretation.

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