Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023
1Luh Putu Indah Sari Yudhaningsih, 2I Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya, 3I Nyoman Sukandia
1,2,3Master of Notary Affairs, Postgraduate Program, Warmadewa University, Bali-Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i9-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
This thesis research uses Empirical Legal Research, which analyzes the responsibility of the land office due to the issuance of multiple certificates in the Denpasar city land office. The formulation of the problem in this thesis research is 1) How is the responsibility of the Denpasar City Land Office due to the issuance of multiple certificates? 2) How is the disclosure of disputes revealed the existence of double certificates in the Denpasar city land office? As an analytical knife to discuss this matter, the Theory of Legal Certainty, Authority Theory, Law Enforcement Theory, and Dispute Resolution Theory is used and uses the Statute Approach, case approach, fact approach, and historical approach. The conclusion of this research is that the form of responsibility that can be carried out by the Denpasar City Land Office in the double certificate dispute in Denpasar City is that the Land Office is absolutely responsible for being responsible both inside and outside the court either as a witness, defendant or plaintiff. In addition, the Land Office is morally and materially responsible, as well as administrative sanctions in the form of dismissal of Land Office staff who are negligent in carrying out their duties. And in the settlement of disputes over dual certificates in the Denpasar City Land Office, the Denpasar City Land Office resolves through litigation (judicial) or uses nonlitigation channels, which non-litigation channels use arbitration, mediation, negotiation to the parties to the dispute and determine an agreement between the parties. And if the case has used the trial route, the National Land Agency and the Denpasar City Land Office will prioritize both parties to the dispute, especially for those who are declared losers in the trial and can be canceled certificates that are proven to be administratively defective or deliberately re-registered.
KEYWORDS:Accountability, Dual Certificate, National Land Agency
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