Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
1Avia Enggar Tyasti, 2Bayu Prabowo Sutjiatmo
1,2Politeknik APP Jakarta, Jl. Timbul No. 34 Cipedak, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-101Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of this study is to analyse the competitiveness of electronics commodity exports in the international market and to map the potential of electronics commodities based on the main export destination countries and electronics producing countries as a comparison. This study uses the competitiveness method using the RCA method for 7 countries with high competitiveness rankings in the global market while biplot analysis is used to determine the map of Indonesia's export potential to 10 main export destination countries based on the electronics and telematics industry sub-sectors. The RCA results show that Brazil and South Africa have an RCA of more than 1. So that, Indonesia has high competitiveness in industrial products of computer goods, electronic goods, optics and electrical equipment to South Africa and Brazil based on RCA values greater than 1. Based on the results of biplot analysis, it is known that Australia, Philippine, and Germany have similar characteristics. This research is also expected to provide policy recommendations regarding the description of the competitiveness of electronics exports and the potential to increase the export value of the electronics industry based on its industrial sub-sectors.
KEYWORDS:Competitiveness, Electronics, Export, Biplot, RCA
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