Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
1Lisa, 2Myrza Rahmanita, 3Fetty Asmaniati, 4Purwanti Dyah Pramanik
1,2,3,4Institut Pariwisata Trisakti, Jalan IKPN Raya Jakarta Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-68Google Scholar Download Pdf
The role of women and gender inequality in the business world, including tourism, remains a significant issue. Women who serve as Hotel Leaders face dual roles as housewives and workers, leading to multiple role conflicts. These conflicts can negatively impact both family life and work activities. Accor Hotels, a leading global hotel chain, supports gender equality and encourages women to become Hotel Leaders. This quantitative research collected data through questionnaires using convenience sampling to select 36 female Hotel Leaders at Accor Hotel Group in Indonesia. The study employed various quantitative analysis techniques, including validity and reliability tests, correlation coefficients, determination coefficients, multiple regression analysis, and significance tests. The results revealed that dual role conflict, job stress, and tenure simultaneously affect female leaders’ performance. These variables significantly and positively influenced the performance of Female Hotel Leaders. Based on these findings, the researcher suggests that the Accor Indonesia Hotel Group create a pleasant working environment, provides flexibility for managing family time, helps employees manage stress effectively, and ensures attention to the quality and quantity of employees’ work outcomes. These measures can help mitigate the negative impacts of dual role conflicts and job stress to improve the performance of Female Hotel Leaders.
KEYWORDS:Multiple roles, job stress, length of work, female leaders, performance.
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