Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
1S. Anugrahini Irawati, 2Hery Purwanto, 3Pribanus Wantara
1,3Management Department, Economic and Business Faculty, University of Trunojoyo Madura
2Economic Department, Economic and Business Faculty, University of Trunojoyo Madura
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-72Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to explore how perceptions of local food (food image) and consumer satisfaction with culinary experiences (food satisfaction) influence the perception of the culinary quality of the area and how these factors influence consumer behavior, such as intention to revisit or recommend. This study was conducted in Sampang Regency, an area known for its rich culinary heritage. The study population was local culinary consumers who had visited Pak Salim's Bebek Songkem restaurant located in Sampang Regency. Purposive sampling was used to determine respondents with a sample of 193 respondents. Structural equations were used as the analysis method using Smart PLS 4.0. Data were collected through a survey distributed to consumers who enjoyed Bebek Songkem. The study findings revealed that food image had a significant positive effect on culinary quality, while food satisfaction played an important role in strengthening this perception. In addition, food image and food satisfaction significantly influenced behavioral intentions, with higher culinary quality leading to a greater likelihood of positive consumer actions such as revisits and recommendations. These results underscore the importance of improving the image and satisfaction of local culinary experiences to promote Sampang as a culinary destination. This research offers practical insights for local businesses and policy makers in developing strategies to enhance culinary tourism and culinary experiences in the region.
KEYWORDS:food image, food satisfaction, culinary quality, behavioral intention, Sampang Regency.
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