Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
1Rusmini, 2Sugeng Mulyono, 3Djuni Farhan
1Master of Management, Postgraduate, Universitas Gajayana Malang
2,3Lecturer Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gajayana Malang
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-87Google Scholar Download Pdf
Employee performance plays an important role in improving the quality of an educational institution. There are several factors that influence employee performance, including organizational climate, work ethic and work discipline. This study aims to: test the influence of organizational climate and work ethic on work discipline; test the influence of organizational climate, work ethic and work discipline on employee performance; and test the influence of organizational climate and work ethic on employee performance through work discipline. The population of the study was 202 personnel of the East Java Regional Police State Police School. The number of samples was set at 41 people, while the sampling technique used purposive random sampling. Data collection used questionnaires that were distributed directly to respondents. The data analysis technique used SEM PLS. The results of the study concluded that as independent variables, it was proven that work climate, work ethic and work discipline had a positive and significant effect on employee performance. When the work climate is conducive, work ethic and work discipline increase, employee performance also increases. However, work discipline as a mediating variable for the influence of work climate and work ethic on employee performance cannot play an optimal role.
KEYWORDS:Organizational Climate, Work Ethic, Work Discipline, and Employee Performance
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