February 2024

Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024
The Comparative Socio-Educational Effect of the Use of E-Learning Vs Face-To-Face Education as a Proposal within the Teaching-Learning Processes in Higher Education
1Dr. Claudio-Rafael Vásquez-Martinez, 2Dr. Francisco Flores-Cuevas, 3Dr. Carlos Quiroz-Lima
1,2,3University of Guadalajara. AV. Universidad 203 Zip code 48280 Puerto Vallarta. Mexico. Instituto Tecnologico Jose mario Molina pasquely Enriquez Puerto Vallart. Mexic.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i02-26

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In the contextual framework of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational field, this research was carried out on E-learning education and face-to-face education. Education is currently developed within a framework of innovation and transformation, so ICTs have been incorporated to promote access and quality of teaching-learning processes. Face-to-face education E-learning is a modality that supports flexible teaching and learning methods. Even so, at the same time, they present advantages and disadvantages that facilitate or hinder the tools for educational tasks. This research article’s main objective is to know the opinion of the Delfín 2019 Centro Universitario de la Costa program students about e-learning and face-to-face education to compare both modalities later. To develop this work, an instrument was created as a questionnaire from which the quantitative analysis and conclusions were obtained. An answer was given to each of the research questions, and the main question presented qualitative moments; due to the above, it was mixed.


E-learning, face-to-face education, higher education

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Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

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