Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024
1Arifin, 2Hardilina, 3Ida Rochmawati, 4Achmad
1,2,3Public Administration Departement, Tanjungpura University, Indonesia
4Universitas Terbuka UPBJJ Pontianak, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i02-29Google Scholar Download Pdf
Policies for handling stunting in the Sambas Regency area, especially in border areas, both at the formulation and implementation levels, face complex obstacles. Reconstructing policy strategies and their implementation by looking more deeply at the interactions between policy actors or what is visible in policy networks, in the short and long term can make a positive contribution to the development of programs in handling stunting. The research method used is a mixed method to look at network patterns and reconstruct them as well as describe detailed steps (strategies) for handling stunting. The results of the research show that there are two stakeholders or actors who have the most dominant role, namely having a large influence but low dependence, the Sajingan Besar Community Health Center and Pos Yandu, or the community group driving program activities in Kaliau Village. Meanwhile, stakeholders or actors who have dominant influence but still high dependency are Community Activity Groups in general and MSMEs (Small and Micro Enterprises). This shows that fewer stakeholders play a more dominant role, namely only 4 stakeholders compared to other actors. Therefore, strong role interaction between stakeholders is needed to increase the effectiveness of the strategies used to overcome the stunting problem.
KEYWORDS:Policy Strategy, Management Stunting, Sambas Regency
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