March 2024

Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024
The Role and Impact of Private Higher Education Institutions on South Africa's Educational Sector: A Comprehensive Analysis
Mixo Swetness Sithole,Ph.D
Student with university of South Africa (Unisa) address Preller St, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0002

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This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the role and impact of private higher education institutions on South Africa's educational sector. Private institutions have gained prominence in recent years, raising questions about their influence on the overall educational landscape. To address this, a mixed method approach was employed, combining a quantitative analysis, and a comparative analysis. Quantitative analysis examined student enrollment trends, graduation rates, and staffing in private higher education institutions, comparing them with public institutions to assess the influence of private institutions on key educational indicators. The comparative analysis on the other hand, compared the student employability and curricula in private institutions. The literature review analyzed the differences in quality, diversity student support services, leadership, and challenges of PHIEs. This comprehensive analysis contributes to understanding the complex dynamics of private institutions in South Africa's educational sector. It sheds light on their influence on educational quality, student enrollment, accessibility, and the overall educational landscape. The findings inform policymakers, educators, and stakeholders, facilitating evidence-based decision-making to further enhance the educational sector in South Africa.


Private higher education institutions, education quality, enrollment trends, graduation rates, South Africa, Educational Sector

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Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024

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