Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024
1Nur Hidayati, 2Syamsiarna Nappu, 3Erwin Akib
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i03-25
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Nur Hidayati, 2023. Error Analysis on Students’ Descriptive Writing at Madrasah Aliyah PMU Sanrobone Takalar Regency. Guided by Syamsiarna Nappu and Erwin Akib. This research focused on students’ errors in writing descriptive text. This study aimed to know the types of error were made by eleventh-grade students at Madrasah Aliyah PMU Sanrobone Takalar Regency academic year 2023/2024 in writing descriptive text and to find out the most students’ dominant error in writing descriptive text. This research was conducted using descriptive quantitative study with case study design as quantitative data used. The population of this research is 18 students. Then the data of the research were collected by using test about writing descriptive text. Based on the data analysis result, students made four types of errors based on surface strategy taxonomy. Those were omission, addition, mis-formation, mis-ordering. Students’ highest error frequency is mis-formation error with 219 total number of errors or (36%) total of errors. Omission error with 112 or (19%) total of errors, addition error with 190 or (32%) total of errors. The lowest frequency of error made by the students is mis-ordering error with 80 or (13%) total of errors.
KEYWORDS:Error, Text, Descriptive, Writing
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