Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024
1Nurlaillah Sari Amallah, 2Gun Gun Heryanto, 3Adeni
1Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia
2Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia
3Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i03-54Google Scholar Download Pdf
Tempo Magazine commodifies workers through increased working hours, low wages, multiple tasks, and marketing promotions that become exchange value for the public. This research aims to reveal the commodification of workers in Tempo Magazine and fill the unique gaps in previous research. The paradigm used is critical because the researcher wants to show that Tempo Magazine journalists are considered commodities measured based on economic factors. Journalists are willing to exchange their labor and even spend time on holidays to meet sources for low wages. The data collection technique is carried out through observation; namely, the researcher observes the research object by classifying and combining articles in Tempo Magazine. Researchers also interviewed the Editor-in-Chief of Tempo Magazine, Tempo Magazine journalists, and eight former Tempo Magazine journalists as critical informants to see different sides of Tempo. The research results show that Tempo Magazine journalists do not apply a specific working time pattern when covering an issue. It is not uncommon for them to use their holiday time to meet sources. They are trapped in false consciousness and do not understand their exploitation by assuming that when they succeed in getting a source, it is a matter of prestige and will always be remembered. They also work more than regular hours but do not receive overtime pay or other compensation. In addition, photo works produced by journalists do not receive copyright protection. Tempo sold it without permission, and this is a copyright issue and protection of intellectual property rights in the media industry. The use or sale of images without permission can harm the creator financially and violate rights that should be protected. Journalists, as a profession that focuses on providing information, often support the human rights of others. However, they also face challenges and risks related to their human rights in their duties. Thus, this study confirms that worker commodification is for workers who are re-produced or renewed through exploitation processes such as increasing working time or intensifying the work process.
KEYWORDS:Commodification of workers, journalist, Tempo Magazine, compensation
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