Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024
1Durotul Yatimah, 2Eliana Sari, 3Madhakomala
1,2,3State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i03-63Google Scholar Download Pdf
The rapid development of Science and Technology has greatly influenced various aspects of the nation's life, including the field of Education. Relevant to the emergence of the fourth industrial revolution era, this research focuses on the utilization of mathematics learning applications in the Package C equivalent education based on Android at the Faradika Community Learning Center (PKBM) in East Jakarta. The advent of virtual reality technology has been able to create simulated classroom environments and conduct virtual learning based on Android. The aim of this research is to describe the process of Android-based virtual reality as a means of developing mathematics learning in the Package C Program. The research method is qualitative. Data collection techniques include interviews, reflective journals, observations, and document analysis. The output of this research is the model application and publication of articles in reputable national and international journals. The results of the research show the creation of Android-based equivalent education learning media in mathematics, which contains information about learning objectives, material presentation, assignments, and feedback provided by tutors and media developed with an Android basis that has been able to support the mathematics learning process optimally. The development of Android-based media consists of five stages: analysis, development, design, implementation, and evaluation. The evaluation technique is formative with expert review and field testing. Summative evaluation includes pre-experiment one-group pre-test and post-test. The conclusion of the research is that the results of the media development are able to support the learning process optimally, so that the learning process runs smoothly, and learners are also active, enthusiastic, and passionate about participating in the learning process.
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