Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024
1Ratu Wardarita, 2Surastina
1University of PGRI Palembang, Indonesia
2STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i03-68Google Scholar Download Pdf
The Frayer Model prompts students to understand words within the larger context of a reading selection. In the teaching-learning process using the Frayer Model Method to identify and define unfamiliar concepts and vocabulary. It can help the students to be easier to find ideas and find the meaning of vocabulary. The objective of the research was to know the influence of the Frayer Model on students’ vocabulary acquisition. In this research, the writer used the experimental method. The total population of this research was 165 students from 5 classes. The sample was taken by the Cluster Random Sampling Technique. Because there were five classes in the population, there were two classes for the sample. One of the two classes was the experimental class and another one was the control class. The writer applied the Frayer Model method in the experimental class and the translation technique in the control class. The main technique in collecting the data was multiple choice. It consisted of 40 items, which have options a,b,c, and d. The score of each item test was 2.5 for true and 0 for wrong. Based on the data analysis, the writer got the result that there was an influence of the Frayer Model on students’ vocabulary acquisition in the tenth class of SMKN PP (Pertanian Pembangunan) in Lampung Selatan. The result of t_test = 3.47,t_table for α= 0.05 was 1.67 and for α=0.01 was 2.39 (3.47 ≥ 1.67 ≤ 2.39). The average score of the students’ vocabulary acquisition which was taught through the Frayer Model was higher than what was taught by using the translation technique at the tenth class of SMKN PP (Pertanian Pembangunan) in Lampung Selatan. The average score of the experimental class was 74.21 and the average score of the control class was 63.15.
KEYWORDS:vocabulary acquisition, Frayer model, teaching-learning strategy
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