March 2024

Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024
The Extent of Acquisition of Digital Marketing Skills Among Business Education Students in Colleges of Education for Economic Development in Anambra State
Dr. Chinwe S. Okeke
Department of Business Education Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe.

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The study examined the extent of acquisition of digital marketing skills among business education students in colleges of education for economic development in Anambra state. Two specific objectives and corresponding research questions guided the study. The study was strictly descriptive. The population of the study was 214. This comprised 400 and 300 level bus education students of NOCEN and FCETU as at 2022/2023 academic session. The study made use of 5% of the entire population which is 107 respondents. Thus, a proportional sampling method was used to select the sample. A 20 items self structured questionnaire was designed and validated by two business educators. The content consistency of the instrument was carried out using test retest study and through comparison using Pearson Product Moment Correlation, a coefficient of 0.28 was obtained. Data analysis was done using cluster mean and standard deviation. Findings revealed that business education student have acquired digital content and social media marketing skills but to low extent. Based on the findings, it recommended that lecturers who handle marketing course and digital marketing courses should improve on their digital skills in order to be able to expose the students as well as social medial platform to promote their marketing concepts.


Business Education, Digital Marketing and Digital Marketing Skills

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Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024

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