Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024
1Imas Ratna Ermawati, 2Sugianto, 3Onny Fitriana Sitorus, 4Sri Astuti
1,2,3,4Universita Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i03-76Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aims to determine the planning, organization, maintenance or recording and supervision of the management and management of the Physics laboratory at the Prof. DR HAMKA Muhammadiyah University Physics Education. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research was conducted at the UHAMKA Physics Laboratory, Jakarta. Data collection methods include observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques consist of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data validity techniques using source triangulation and triangulation. The research results show that: 1) Planning is carried out in the new school year By coordinating between all lecturers, the practicum time allocation is adjusted to the course schedule for one semester, because the laboratory layout does not fully comply with the established standards. 2) The organization has not gone well, there are no technicians and laboratory assistants who have been specifically assigned to manage the laboratory, managers and course lecturers, resulting in overlapping duties and responsibilities so that management cannot be said to be optimal. 3) Maintenance or recording of practical equipment cannot be separated from obstacles to repairing equipment, obstacles in laboratory maintenance are equipment damage more than 2 times, but the campus only has a budget for repairs once, 4) Supervision is carried out by making reports, and seeing the results when the laboratory that it runs according to its function means that supervision is carried out well. So it can be concluded that the development of the Physics laboratory at UHAMKA requires improvements in several aspects, including planning, organization, maintenance and supervision, to achieve the expected level of optimality in supporting the Physics Education learning process.
KEYWORDS:Management, Laboratory Management.
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