Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024
1Amri Yahya, 2 Nuryakin, 3Siti Dyah Handayani
1,2,3Master of Management, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i03-77Google Scholar Download Pdf
The evolution of marketing, from traditional approaches to Marketing 4.0, has shifted the focus towards consumer behavior and advocacy. In this digital era, consumer empowerment and the significance of peer recommendations have reshaped marketing strategies. This study aims to investigate the relationships between brand awareness, brand image, consumer purchasing decisions, and customer advocacy behavior, with a specific focus on Kapal Api coffee consumers. Customer Advocacy Behavior, defined as consumer recommendations strengthening a brand, gains prominence in Marketing 4.0. Distinct from influencers, brand heroes advocate based on positive brand experiences. The study aligns with the 5A model, emphasizing the role of customer advocacy after the purchase decision. The research adopts a descriptive survey approach, utilizing a quantitative design. The sample consists of 258 Kapal Api coffee consumers, and data is collected through online surveys. The study applies Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for data analysis. The analysis reveals significant positive relationships between brand awareness, brand image, purchasing decisions, and customer advocacy behavior. The study highlights the pivotal role of brand awareness and image in shaping consumer decisions and influencing post-purchase advocacy behavior. In conclusion, the research contributes valuable insights into the dynamics of brand awareness, brand image, purchasing decisions, and customer advocacy behavior within the context of Kapal Api coffee consumers. The findings emphasize the importance of cultivating strong brand awareness and a positive brand image to enhance consumer engagement and advocacy.
KEYWORDS:Marketing 4.0, Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Customer Purchasing Decisions, Customer Advocacy Behavior, Structural Equation Modeling
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