Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024
1M Rizki Zamroni, 2Rina Rahmawati
1,2STIE Malangkuçeçwara, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i03-88Google Scholar Download Pdf
Employee productivity is a critical factor for organizational success, yet it can be influenced by various elements within the workplace. This study aims to investigate the interplay between leadership style, training opportunities, organizational culture, and job satisfaction, and how these factors collectively impact employee productivity. By examining the relationships among these variables, the research seeks to provide insights into optimizing workplace environments and practices that foster high levels of employee engagement and performance. The data were first processed for the characteristics of the respondent using the IBM SPSS 29 program, and then the questionnaire results were processed using the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method with the AMOS 29 program. The study found that that leadership style positively affects productivity, training has a positive effect on productivity, organizational culture has a significant positive effect on productivity, leadership style does not significantly influence job satisfaction, training has a significant positive impact on job satisfaction, organization culture positively influences job satisfaction, job satisfaction does not mediate the effect of leadership style on productivity, job satisfaction significantly mediates the effect of training on productivity, and job satisfaction also significantly mediates the effect of organizational culture on productivity.
KEYWORDS:leadership style, training, organizational culture, work productivity, job satisfaction.
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