April 2024

Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024
Testimonies of Shame and Anger in Northern Nigeria: Towards Protecting the Dignity of the Child
Barnabas Ishaku Sama’ila Shabayang
veritas university, Bwari Area Council, P.M.B. 5171 G.P.O. Wuse, Abuja.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i04-26

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The theology of the Trinity is the apex of Christian revelation. This is closely followed by the theology of Incarnation, which focuses on God’s entry into human history. The incarnation of the divine word as a human person, with the experience of childhood, underscores the dignity of the child to be preserved and protected. Given the situation of a possible violation, Joseph protected the Child Jesus from the wrath of Herod by fleeing to Egypt for safety (Mt.2:13-15). Every child has pride of place in the family and community, and protecting the dignity of the child is the responsibility of both the parents and the community. The current situation of terrorism in some parts of Northern Nigeria indicates a violation of the dignity of the child. Drawing from the incarnation as a ground for theological discourse on childhood, this chapter presents testimonies of shame and anger in Northern Nigeria to show the violation of the dignity of children. This article employs a historical-analytical methodology to account for the experiences of violence towards children in Northern Nigeria. It begins with a synopsis of the rich value of the child in African culture. It then moves on to presents an overview of the impact of terrorism on children in Northern Nigeria. Finally, the essay proposes recommendations rooted in the humility and dignity of the child for the Catholic church in Nigeria. In this final section, the essay considers education as a paradigm in preserving the dignity of the child. This essay contends that a child is a divine gift that must be protected by the church irrespective of tribe and creed.

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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

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