Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024
1Nabilla Deva Kristanti, 2Nur Laely, 3Meme Rukmini
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, Kadiri University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i04-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
The most important thing in the world of online business is to determine the innovation and technology of marketing communication, so that it can achieve certain goals. With the existence of marketing communication technology, entrepreneurs will be easier to market the products they will sell to potential customers in order to achieve the goals desired by marketers.qualitative research methods are research methods based on philosophy, used to examine in a natural object condition, (as opposed to experiments) where researchers are as key guidelines, data collection techniques are carried out in combination, Data analysis is qualitative, and qualitative research results emphasize the meaning of generalizations. The development of increasingly sophisticated technology, online business owners must also keep up with the times, with this communication technology, online business owners are easier and more practical to introduce their products. What used to be still marketing through word of mouth is now through social media and platforms that can be used in terms of marketing. With this communication technology we can do marketing effectively and efficiently, minimize costs, easily reach the general public, easily transact easily and quickly that Griya Reyna Furniture uses communication technology in terms of marketing through promotion mix, namely by advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, social media marketing, e-commerce, marketplace.
KEYWORDS:Communication technology, marketing, sales improvement
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