April 2024

Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024
Enhancing Learning Continuity: A Case Study on the Effective Utilizations of eLearning to Mitigate Class Suspensions at St. Paul University-Surigao
1Rodora Olaivar, 2Eric Villamar, 3Cris Saranza
1,2College of Business and Technology, St. Paul University-Surigao, Philippines
2,3Graduate School and Professional Studies, St. Paul University-Surigao, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i04-53

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This study investigated the effectiveness of eLearning designs and learning outcomes at St. Paul University-Surigao's College of Business and Technology. A mixed-methods approach was employed, utilizing a descriptive survey (n=220) and a qualitative thematic analysis of student feedback. A survey revealed generally positive student perceptions of instructional design and learning outcome achievement. However, these perceptions varied across programs, suggesting a need for tailoring. Qualitative analysis, importantly, identified both positive aspects (flexibility, self-learning) and challenges (limited interaction and engagement, technical issues, instructor quality). These challenges, crucial for educators and researchers to be aware of, resonate with broader discussions on the barriers to effective eLearning implementation. This study contributes to the understanding of effective eLearning practices in higher education. The findings emphasize the importance of well-designed online courses that balance student autonomy with strategies to address engagement, social interaction, and access barriers.


eLearning, instructional design, learning outcomes, self-learning.

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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

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