April 2024

Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024
Modernizing the human rights Complaints system at UNO
Ibrahim Ahmed Abed Al Samaraee
Assist. Prof. in Int`l Law Department Cihan University - Erbi
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i04-62

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Since 1947, the commission on HRs has been working on monitoring, following up and protecting HRs all over the world, and due to the limitations of its competencies, the HRs council was established to replace the commission after granting it broader competencies to exercise the function of monitoring and protecting HRs . The council played an important role in the development of the complaints and communications system in addition to the system of special rapporteurs, taking into account the confidentiality of procedures and information, and on the other hand, it established advisory committees to be a new and effective procedure in supporting and developing the council's procedures in the protection of HRs . During the past period, the council has been able to increase the effectiveness of the complaints and communications system by modernizing them and ensuring seriousness and reliability .it has also worked to increase the effectiveness of the special rapporteurs system, in addition to deepening the council's closed procedures with the state and the complainant. it has also expanded the complaints procedures to include nine major human rights conventions so that individuals in all countries can submit their complaints, in addition to increasing the effectiveness of states ' reports on HRs violations.


HRC, complaint, notification, procedures, violation, Development

1) Activities, F. C. (2006). As a positive indicator of its involvement in the performance of its duties. New York: UN.. Are the following:

2) - Establishing working groups to review the work of the special rapporteurs.

3) -Establishing work teams working to establish a periodic and comprehensive review mechanism for the member states of the Council .

4) -Adoption of the Int`l Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.

5) -Adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

6) -Extend the authority of the work of the working group concerned with drafting an optional protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights regarding individual complaints.

7) -Maintain or activate the complaints mechanism (1503) regarding gross violations of human rights.

8) -Creation of two working groups with a mandate to examine communications and directing the Council's attention to consistent patterns of gross violations of human rights.

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21) Committee, A. H. (n.d.). Appoints the Working Group on Communications to form it from among its members . Appointing them for a period of three years (the mandate is renewable once). The working group is composed of five highly qualified independent experts and is geographically representative of the five regional groups.

22) https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/complaint-procedure/wg-communications

23) New York: UN.

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26) Also, Hampson, Francoise J. (2007). An Overview of the Reform of the UN H.Rs. Machinery. HL Review

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29) Doc., UN (1974). UN and South Africa, UN Doc S/11543.Res. was defeated by the vetoes of the US, France and the UK: UN SCOR, 1808th meeting, 30 October. New York: UN.

30) ESCRes.1503. (1970 ). Economic & S.C. Res. 1503. d. 48 of the year 1970 and was amended by the same Council Resolution No. (3/2000) of the year 2000. New York: UN.

31) Ewing-Chow, M. (2007). First do no harm: Trade Sanctions & HRs. 5 Northwestern J. of Int`l , 153.

32) Also, Committee, Economic, (1997). Social and Cultural Rights .'The relationship between economic sanctions and respect for economic. General Comment 8: E/C.12/1997/8, 12 December 1997.

33) G.A.Res.251 (2006). Who established the Human Rights Council. New York: UN. . Entitled “building institutions HRs Council affiliate for the UN” mechanisms Main and bodies sub affiliate Council and with reliance on resolution Association the public 62/219 the historian 22 Canon the first/December 2007 The work and procedures of the Human Rights Council have been organized .The council consists of(47)Members distributed geographically to the countries of the world (13 for Africa, 13 for Asia, 6 for Eastern Europe, 7 for Western Europe, 8 for Latin America) and for more see the website at the link:

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42) HRs. (2006). ),In its first session affirmed its responsibility for the procedure (1503). New York: UN. And it will review it and, if necessary, improve and rationalize it in accordance with UNGA Res. No. (251/60) and stipulated in its decision (102/2006) the continuation of the procedure (1503) and the implementation of the mandate board it.

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50) Mandates, H. (2006). HRC ended (5) five country mandates . Ended (5) five country mandates, pertaining to Cuba, Belarus, Congo, Uzbekistan and Liberia, and (8) mandates pertaining to Somalia, Sudan, Cambodia, North Korea, Burundi, Myanmar, Haiti and the Palestinian Territories were renewed.

51) New York: UN.The latest activities of the country and substantive mandates can be found through the link:

52) https://www.ohchr.org/en/special-procedures-human-rights-council (reviewed on Jul. 24, 2023)

53) To connect with the procedure : Twitter:@UN_SPexperts

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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

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