April 2024

Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024
The Use of Marketing Strategy to Increase Consumer Purchasing Power of Agro Tourism in Bali: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
1Ni Luh Putu Yunia Sumardyaningsih, 2A A Istri Krisna Gangga Dewi, 3Ni Putu Ayu Tika Kurniawati
1,2,3Faculty of Economic and Business, Warmadewa University, Teromping Street No.24, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia (80239)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i04-63

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Tourism is a key factor in supporting the economy of people in Indonesia, especially in Bali. Very tight business competition encourages business people are compete to create innovations to support development and sustainably, one of which is in their marketing field. The study aimed to determine the implementation in the role of marketing strategies as an effort to increase consumer purchasing power at Abian Salak agritourism in Sibetan Village. This research was conducted with descriptive qualitative. The informant of this research is a salak entrepreneur as well as the owner of Abian Salak Agrotourism who is able to process salak fruit into various processed products, namely I Nyoman Mastra. This research uses data collection techniques by conducting observations and interviews. This research was conducted for 3 months starting from September 11 to December 11, 2023. The results of this study are by conducting Marketing Strategies can help to increase product sales results and increase visitors by creating social media. The conclusion of this research from overhauling packaging to making social media makes Sibetan tourist villages, one of which is Agrotourism Abian Salak, more advanced with the number of visitors and products that are increasingly favored by consumers.


Marketing Stategy, Purchasing Power, Agro Tourism

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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

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