April 2024

Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024
Theoretical Debate Over the Relationship Between Ideology and Practical Politics
Yaron Katz,
HIT – Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i04-66

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Political ideology is based on beliefs, values, and principles guiding the preferred form of government and societal organization. While providing coherence and direction for political parties, ideologies often clash with the pragmatic realities of governance. Practical politics prioritizes pragmatic considerations over ideological principles, focusing on achieving realistic goals through compromise and negotiation. This tension underscores the dynamic nature of political theory and practice, where ideological ideals must adapt to real-world complexities. The clash between ideological ideals and pragmatic necessities in governance underscores the dynamic nature of political theory and practice. Scholarly research explores this interplay, highlighting debates on the relationship between ideology and practical politics. The study highlights the complexity of navigating the interplay between ideological frameworks and practical considerations in political decision-making. It acknowledges the challenges inherent in reconciling abstract principles with the exigencies of governance. It analyses political ideology theories imperative for policymakers to balance ideological commitments and pragmatic policies. This research comprehensively explores theoretical approaches to the relationship between ideology and practical politics, shedding light on the ongoing discourse within political theory and its implications for effective governance.

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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

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