Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024
Kiromil Baroroh
University of Lampung, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i04-67Google Scholar Download Pdf
This quantitative study was aimed at exploring the perceptions of an English teacher and ninth-grade students of IX A at SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa regarding the utilization of English subtitled videos on YouTube for enriching students’ achievement in vocabulary. Employing a close-ended questionnaire as the research instrument, the investigation focused on the feelings, effectiveness, and benefits associated with the implementation of English subtitled videos, building upon prior research by the same researcher. The questionnaire outcomes revealed that the application of this medium was not only enjoyable but also deemed effective and beneficial for both teaching and learning vocabulary. Both the teacher's and students' responses indicated unanimous agreement with the statements, with each item on the student questionnaire surpassing the 70% threshold. Consequently, the findings suggest that English subtitled videos on YouTube serve as an engaging and efficacious tool for enhancing students' vocabulary achievement, affirming the positive impact observed in the study.
KEYWORDS:perception, questionnaire, video, vocabulary
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