May 2024

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
The Influence of Capital, Food Costs, and Use of Labor on Production and Income of Broiler Chicken Farmers in the Tabanan District, Bali
1Ardhita Pramesty, 2Dra. Ni Putu Martini Dewi, M.Si
1,2Udayana University, Bali

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This research is motivated by the development of broiler chicken farming businesses in the Bali province. This is influenced by the level of demand for the production of meat, eggs and broiler chicken seeds which is increasing day by day, especially in the domestic market. So that it becomes a driving factor for broiler chicken farming businesses to increase their production. The aim of this research is to analyze how capital development, feed costs, and labor use affect the production and income of broiler chicken farmers.This research uses quantitative and qualitative methods. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. The respondents in this study were 100 people who met the criteria as business owners and those who produce broiler chicken products. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested using Path Analysis. Meanwhile, qualitative analysis is taken from data interpretation by providing information and explanations. It can be concluded that this research aims to determine the direct influence of capital, feed costs and labor on the production of broiler chicken farmers in Tabanan Regency. To find out the direct influence of capital, feed costs, labor and production on the income of broiler chicken farmers in Tabanan Regency. And to find out the indirect influence of capital, feed costs and labor on income through broiler chicken production in Tabanan Regency.


Capital; Feed Costs; Labor;Production; Broiler Chicken Income; Validity;Reliability; Classical Assumption Test;Path Analysis;

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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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