May 2024

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
The Value of Leisure: Significance and Evolution
1Joseba Doistua, 2Idurre Lazcano, 3Aurora Madariaga
1,2,3Institute for Leisure Studies, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, University of Deusto

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In recent decades, Spanish society has evolved, conditioned especially by the changing global environment of which it is a part. One of the areas of people's lives in which these transformations can be most clearly seen is that of leisure, which has given rise to a certain evolution in the value given to it by citizens, as well as in the relevance that leisure lifestyles are progressively acquiring. This article presents the results of the fifth European Leisure Values Survey applied to Spain. In the case of Spain, the effective sample size is 1,200 persons. The random samples provide a complete coverage of the target population (persons aged 18 and over residing in private households, irrespective of nationality or language). The results show how leisure currently occupies a central space in the cultural, social and economic reality of our environment.


Leisure, Work, Values, people's lifetimes

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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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