May 2024

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
Concept and Implementation Model Multicultural Islamic Education FKUB Balikpapan City in Developing a Tolerant Attitude
1Khoirul Anam Siddeh, 2Mas'ud Said
1,2Jl. Ksatrian Rt. 38 Nomor 46, Gg. Insan Cendekia Kel. Graha Indah Balikpapan Utara, Kota Balikpapan - Kalimantan Timur

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In Balikpapan City as a city whose level of diversity is so complex, it cannot be separated from social problems that can lead to social disintegration. The preventive action taken by the Balikpapan City Government is to build a partnership between the Balikpapan City Religious Ummah Communication Forum (FKUB). The Balikpapan City Government's step in starting with FKUB is a strategic step in strengthening multicultural values to anticipate the disintegration of socialization. The review of this paper is based on the results of research with a qualitative descriptive approach to the phenomena and facts that occur at the research locus. Using this type of phenomenology, the author reveals the concepts built and models implemented about the values of multicultural Islamic education in Balikpapan City. The existence of the term multicultural as a social term that views cultural equality, then multicultural value in the context of Islamic teachings is the concept of social ethics in covering cultural diversity according to the views of Islamic teachings. The values developed and most crucial are: Silaturrahim, please help, equality and equal rights, justice and care. In instilling Islamic education values, the models and multicultural approaches carried out by FKUB Balikpapan City are: a. Interreligious Dialogue Model, b. Social Action Model, c. Empowerment and Engagement of Social Resources Model 1. In developing the tolerant attitude of the people of Balikpapan City, FKUB takes a role by instilling and strengthening the values of multicultural Islamic education. 2. The values of multicultural Islamic education become crucial values in a society with such a complex level of plurality as in Balikpapan City. 3. In instilling and strengthening the values of Islamic education, the multicultural model carried out by FKUB Balikpapan City is the Interfaith Dialogue Model, Social Action Model, Empowerment Model and Social Resource Involvement.

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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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