May 2024

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
A Structural and Functional Analysis of Moroccan Jokes
Dr. Said Fathi, S. (UH2C - FLSHM)
University of Hassan II of Casablanca · English Department
Ph D. in Linguistics ORCID iD & link:

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The present study purports to be a contribution to the study of language in relation to society. This paper sheds some light on the structural and functional aspects of jokes in the Moroccan society. In fact, its rationale is to pave the way to further comparative cross-cultural analyses. These can help to testify whether jokes of different cultures have similar or different functions and structures and, accordingly, whether this similarity or dissimilarity is reflected in the structure of societies.


jokes - joke-telling – narrative – comparative - humor – Horgan – Sacks – cross-cultural - Labov – structure – folktales – categorization - Propp – typology – political - ethnocentered - off-color – blasphemous – miscellaneous.

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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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