May 2024

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
Income Determinants of Poor Households in Suter Village, Bangli Regency
1Ni Komang Tria Wahyuni, 2Ni Putu Martini Dewi
1,2Faculty of Economics and Busines, Udayana University

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Poverty is a problem in development that is multidimensional in nature. It is not only social and economic, but also cultural, political, and spatial and temporal. Poverty is not only living with a lack of money and low income, but also powerlessness in dealing with power and determining the direction of life goals. This is caused by certain factors such as employment opportunities, age, and the number of dependents that affect the income of poor households to fulfill their basic lives. This study aims to 1) analyze job opportunities, age, and the number of dependents simultaneously on the income of poor households in Suter Village, Bangli Regency. 2) analyze job opportunities, age, number of dependents, and income partially on the income of poor households in Suter Village, Bangli Regency. 3) analyze the dominant variables of job opportunities, age, and number of dependents that affect the income of poor households in Suter Village, Bangli Regency. This research was conducted in Suter Village, Bangli Regency with a sample size of 80 respondents using a sampling method namely Probability sampling and Nonprobability sampling. In this research, observavation, structured interviews, and in-depth interviews were used as a data collection methods. Multiple linear analysis is used as a data analysis technique. The results of this study indicate that 1) the variables of job opportunities, age, and number of dependents simultaneously have a significant effect on the income of poor households in Suter Village, Bangli Regency. 2) the variables of job opportunities, age, and number of dependents partially have a significant effect on the income of poor households in Suter Village, Bangli Regency. 3) job opportunities have a dominant effect on the income of poor households in Suter Village, Bangli Regency.


Income, Job Opportunities, Age, Number of Dependents, Poverty

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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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