May 2024

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
Impact on Companies That Employ Underage Children
1Robbil Iqsal Mahendra, 2RB Sularto
1,2Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University

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In today's development, which is developing very fast, many people justify any means to achieve the target, many people even make a job that should be done by an adult, but instead it is done by a minor. Basically, children are the forerunners of the younger generation who will continue the hopes of the nation in the future. In its implementation, children are human resources for the nation and state as determinants of the country's future and as the successor to the nation's generation. A child should be the responsibility of his parents including food security, education, environment, and the formation of a child's personality in living in society. However, in reality, there are still many underage child labor phenomena caused by economic pressures or to make ends meet, so that many parents employ their children in a company or a certain business entity. This is a violation committed by a company or an agency which in operating the company's activities involves children who are made workers in the company. Employing minors is basically an act that violates human rights because employing minors will exploit children which of course will have a negative impact on the child's development both physically, emotionally and socially. In fact, currently many companies and parents of children ignore this provision, especially in rural areas. With this phenomenon there will be a very detrimental impact on the child. Seeing this phenomenon, the author wants to express an opinion based on the results of research related to companies that employ minors by formulating a problem, namely "what is the impact of work on a child who is made a child worker by the company?" by conducting an analysis using the theory of radical victimology, namely the Marxist theory which states that it sees weak law enforcement in resolving corporate crime cases. In this study using the Normative method, then the data obtained will be analyzed qualitatively with analytical descriptive method. The purpose of this writing is to find out what impact the child will receive if this phenomenon continues and the impact on the child's future.


company, child labour, underage

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19) 3 Progressive Law is a law for humans and not the other way around which was initiated by Satjipto Rahardjo. Discussion of progressive law, can also be read in Anthon Freddy Susanto, 2005, Legal Semiotics From Text Deconstruction Toward Progressive Meaning, Refika Aditama, Bandung, also read Anis Ibrahim, 2007, Reconstructing the Science of Law & Law of the Third Millennium, In-TRANS, Malang, and Others have dissected progressive law
Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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