May 2024

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
Understanding of News Consumption Behavior among Millennials and Gen-X: A Comparative Study
1Dr. Venugopal Gowda M.K, 2 Swarnali Dutta
1Assistant professor, Post-Graduation Department of Studies and Research in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Philomena`s College (Autonomous), Mysuru, Karnataka
2Research scholar, pursuingfinal year Post-Graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication at the PostGraduation Department of Studies and Research in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Philomena`s College (Autonomous), Mysuru, Karnataka

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In India, communication technology has brought huge changes in information consumption behaviour. In the country, people especially the young generation spend more time online for different purposes. According to 2021 data in India, around 840 million people use the internet, in which 448 million people use various social media and, according to the 10th edition of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism's Digital News Report 2021, 82 present of Indians read the news online. Though, traditional media such as Radio, Newspapers, and Television also maintain their consistency in reaching people and providing various information to society. This scenario is rising the question that “does generational cohort influence on informationconsuming behaviour?, and if so, what types of information Millennials and Gen-X (Generation-X) would like to access or consume? In this frame, the study has comparatively analyzed the behaviour of Millennials and Gen-X in consuming various developmentrelated content that has been disseminated by both traditional and new media. Also, the study examined the development-related information coverage satisfaction level by media. For the study, 200 Millennials and Gen-X respondents were selected from the rural and urban area. Various statistical technics have been used to analysis the data with help of SPSS software.


News, New Media, Traditional Media, Development Information, Millennials, Gen-X, Gen – Y, Information Consumption, Behavior and Satisfaction.

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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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