June 2024

Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
Perspectives of Language-Major Students at a Higher Education Institution on the Activities of Foreign Language Clubs in Improving Their Speaking Skills
1Do Cam Tu, 2Le Phuong Duy
1,2Tra Vinh University, 126 Nguyen Thien Thanh Street, Ward 5, Tra Vinh Province, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-110

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Beyond classroom learning, extracurricular activities also hold significant weight in strengthening students' knowledge and abilities. For language majors, extracurricular involvement, particularly in university clubs, can significantly enhance their language skills through practice. A quantitative research method was employed using a questionnaire distributed to a university's English and Chinese language majors. The findings emphasized the importance of language clubs in supporting students' development in speaking English and Chinese. Informed by relevant theory and survey data, the research team observed that these clubs operate effectively, offering many benefits such as improved reaction time for language learners, increased motivation for studying the language, opportunities for practical application, and a boost in both initiative and confidence during communication. Utilizing student feedback, the authors delve into a discussion on the role and effectiveness of language clubs for participants. This discussion then paves the way for recommendations to further enhance the effectiveness of these clubs in the future.


foreign language clubs, English major students, Chinese major students, improving speaking skills

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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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