Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
1Youssef ZIZI, 2Dr. Ilham EL MAJDOUBI
1Doctoral Candidate, Hassan II University, Morocco, Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FLSHM)
2Professor, Hassan II University, Morocco, Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FLSHM)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-02Google Scholar Download Pdf
Morocco is capitalizing on its strategic assets to advance South-South cooperation, promote sustainable prosperity, and create an enabling environment for the implementation of cultural diplomacy in the Maghreb and the broader African region. This is accomplished through a synthesis of cultural, religious, and economic diplomacy. The article illustrates how Morocco's cultural capital, derived from its rich history and traditions, has become a tool for enhancing the country's global image.
KEYWORDS:Morocco, Africa, Diplomacy, Cultural Influence, Attraction, Communication
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