June 2024

Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
The Darakbang Heresy? Measures, Gauges and Measurements of Heretical Doctrine: Heretics and Accusers are Equally Evil
Stevri P.N. Indra Lumintang
International Reformed Evangelical Seminary, Theology, Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-21

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This article ensures and emphasises that a doctrine's standard, authoritative gauge and objective measurement is heresy. This purpose is motivated by the serious danger of false doctrine and accusations. False doctrine and false accusation are evil and should not be tolerated. This is contrary to the teachings of the Bible. The first and foremost step is to conduct scientific research. This research uses a case study method, namely the accusations of heresy against several Christian religious colleges in Indonesia for collaborating with Darakbang in South Korea. Based on this case study method, it was found that there is no heresy in them based on standardised measures. No authorised institution can legally declare someone or some other institution heretical. The accusers not only do not have and use the standard biblical measure of universal doctrine but also do not have authority as a measure authorised to declare heresy. In addition, none of the writings and accusations were found to be based on scientific measurements (studies). This finding is important as a recommendation for academics to distinguish between false teachings and false accusations so that academics do not become ignorant, evil people who mislead or accuse heretics unscientifically.


Darakbang, Heresy, Equally Evil, Measures, Gauges, Measurement

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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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