June 2024

Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
Legality of Environmental Coordination Costs in The Construction of Housing Projects As A Form of Corporate Social Responsibility (Home Price Component Study)
1Said Syaidina Ali 2Suherman, 3Iwan Erar Joesoef
1,2,3Jl. Tanah Baru No.20a RT.001/RW.006, Kelurahan Tanah Baru, Kecamatan Beji Kota Depok,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-24

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This research aims to find out the application of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), to know the setting of environmental coordination costs charged to developers in housing construction against the sale price of houses in PT Harapan Inti Persada Indah (PT HIPI). This research is a type of normative jurisprudence, with legislative approaches, case approaches and conceptual approaches carried out around the area of serpong garder II and the office environment of PT HIPI. Using primary legal material sources such as the results of observations and interviews. The results of the research that PT HIPI has implemented its social responsibility but has not implemented it is not in accordance with the regulations of the legislation. As far as environmental coordination costs can make as CSR costs as well as influence the component of house sales price in PT HIPI.


Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Coordination Cost, Home Price Component.

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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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