Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
1Eko Puspitono, 2T. Gayus Lumbuun
1Student of the Doctor of Law Program at Krisnadwipayana University, Jakarta
2Professor of Law at Krisnadwipayana University, Jakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-33Google Scholar Download Pdf
Corruption is a criminal act classified as White-Collar Crime, which can only be committed by people who have inherent authority because of their position or power in an organization and/or in a government system. The research method was carried out using an analytical approach, namely knowing the meaning contained in the terms used in the laws and regulations related to Justice Collaborator, as well as knowing their application in practice, which is also closely related to the systematic review aspect of the relevant laws and regulations, by conducting technical studies. The second approach taken is the statutory regulations approach considering that this research will examine various statutory regulations related to Justice Collaborator. The respondents in this research are law lecturers, law faculty deans, criminal law lecturers, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, and students and related institutions. The results of research on justice collaborators related to Law No. 13 of 2006 which has been changed to Law No. 31 of 2014 concerning Witness and Victim Protection (W&V Protection), apparently do not protect against the risk of losing their job for Justice Collaborators. The results of the research are very useful for the regulation and implementation of justice collaborators in disclosing criminal acts of corruption, namely that justice collaborators are very important and needed in disclosing criminal acts of corruption. The Corruption Court can uncover criminal acts of corruption quickly and precisely which will have an impact on saving costs, time, energy, and thought. Still, the existence of a justice collaborator cannot be sovereign because it will result in dependence on law enforcement officials. in uncovering criminal acts of corruption with the information provided. The knowledge of law enforcers must also be increased, especially in the cybercrime field, so it is hoped that there will be ideal regulation and implementation in Indonesia.
KEYWORDS:witnesses, protection, justice collaborators.
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