Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
Nguyen Da Thu
Hoa Sen University, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-38Google Scholar Download Pdf
Over more than 90 years of formation and development, the Vietnam Trade Union has grown in all aspects and made worthy contributions to the great victories of the revolution, contributing to building the Vietnamese working class into an increasingly powerful force. The trade union organization has been consolidated and developed, with the number of union members and grassroots trade unions growing rapidly, and the cadre team developing both in quantity and quality. The union has expanded its activities to the non-state economic sector; increasingly effective coordination with various levels of government, organizations, and employers has been achieved, better fulfilling its tasks of representing, caring for, and protecting the legitimate and lawful rights and interests of workers, promptly addressing pressing issues, and contributing to the establishment of harmonious, stable, and progressive labor relations in enterprises. This study summarizes the birth circumstances of the Vietnamese working class and the Red Union - the precursor of today's Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; the role of the Vietnam Trade Union in the revolutionary process; and the urgent task for society to enhance the role of the trade union organization.
KEYWORDS:Development history, Red Union, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor
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