June 2024

Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
Investigating the Impact of Professional Training on Senior University Students in Uzbekistan: Kimyo International University Senior Students' Perceptions
1Ossama Moustafa,2Munojat Isakdjanova,3Ahmed Basyoni
1,2Lecturer at Kimyo International University in Tashkent (KIUT) Tourism Department
3Lecturer at Kimyo International University in Tashkent (KIUT) English Language Department
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-47

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This research aims to examine how senior students at Uzbekistan's Kimyo International University (KIUT) benefit from professional training in terms of their professional development. The study aims to determine how senior university students' professional development is affected by workplace training, and secondly, how professional training affects the development of senior university students' career skills. A qualitative research strategy is used in the study's methodology. The semi-structured interview is the tool used for qualitative research. Eight seniors from Tashkent's Kimyo International University (KIUT) participated in the qualitative method's semi-structured interview. After interviewing eight key participants from Kimyo International University in Tashkent (KIUT), the researchers preferred the reflexive thematic analysis method for analyzing the interview transcripts. Students' training contributes to senior students' professional development, as indicated by the qualitative findings. According to this research, training also helps students hone their interpersonal and professional skills, which are crucial for their future employment. Participants' knowledge, practices, and professional community were positively impacted, and their potential in the training workplaces was enhanced, by the direct impacts of training content emphasis, active learning, and follow-up. Perceived knowledge, practice, professional, and interpersonal skills had a significant influence on students' practice and learning outcomes, which in turn affected the effectiveness of the training programs. Findings from this research have important implications for professional development and the acquiring of practical skills among university seniors. In addition, senior-year students at universities may benefit greatly from internships and other forms of professional training to hone their interpersonal and professional competence. Nevertheless, in order to determine the efficacy of professional training in enhancing career skills and 21st-century skills, longitudinal studies with more representative samples are required.


Professional Training, semi-structured interview, senior university students, career skills

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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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