Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
1Dewi Sartika,2Amalia Diamantina
1,2Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-59Google Scholar Download Pdf
Influence in the election system in the function of representation implemented in Indonesia with the Constitutional Court's decision that it could result in a shift in the right to place the representation of candidates from political parties to the largest number of votes. This study aims to analyze the Effect of the Election System on the Implementation of the Function of Election Representation. The type of research that can be used is juridical-normative with a legal concept approach, namely the Regulation of Laws. As for the results of this study, namely First, the Development of Election System Regulation in Indonesia has undergone various changes and challenges since the country became independent, both with an open proportional election system, namely Law and Regulation Instability, Injustice and Cheating, Transparency and Accountability, and the role of political parties that lack fair political enforcement. Second, the Effect of the Election System on the Implementation of Election Representation Functions in Indonesia is contrary to the concept of people's sovereignty regulated by article 1 paragraph (2), (3), article 6A paragraph (2), article 22 E paragraph (2), (3), and article 28D paragraph (1) of the State of the Republic of Indonesia law. This is because the provisions of Article 1 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Act have emphasized the sovereignty of the people in the hands of the Indonesian people but are carried out according to the method specified by the law, namely by Article 6A paragraph (2), Article 22E paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution were carried out by political parties through their participation in the election to elect the DPR, DPRD, President and Vice President.
KEYWORDS:Election System; Representation; General Election; political party; parliamentary threshold
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