Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
Ivan Brian L. Inductivo
Emilio Aguinaldo College, Marcelino St., Paco, Manila
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-64Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research investigates the implementation of the Safe Spaces Act (Republic Act No. 11313) in the public elementary and secondary schools of the Schools Division Office of Imus City. The study evaluates the extent of gender-responsive policy implementation in educational institutions, emphasizing the dissemination of policy information and the strategies employed to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students. Using a qualitative research design, the study employs thematic analysis to interpret the data collected from interviews with Gender and Development (GAD) focal persons. Key findings indicate that while integration into curricula, printed materials, and online platforms are common dissemination methods, there are significant challenges such as insufficient budget, lack of knowledge, and cultural resistance. The study highlights the necessity for cultural reform, adequate resources, and enhanced critical reasoning among stakeholders to ensure the effective implementation of the Safe Spaces Act. Recommendations include the extension of the study to other divisions, the incorporation of quantitative methods for broader validation, and policy improvements to foster a more inclusive educational environment. The ultimate goal is to safeguard learners’ rights and promote gender equality within the school system.
KEYWORDS:Safe Spaces Act, Gender-Responsive Education, Public Schools, Policy Implementation, Thematic Analysis
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