Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
1Gusti Ayu Mirah Intan Prastikayana, 2I Made Suniastha Amerta, 3A.A. Sri Purnami
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-78Google Scholar Download Pdf
The increasingly rapid development of tourist destinations in Indonesia is influencing the number of tourist visits to the island of Bali. This phenomenon requires each tourist attraction manager on the island of Bali to find the right promotional strategy to increase the number of tourist visits. This study is aimed at analyzing the role of promotions carried out through social media Instagram, WOM, and tourist attractions on tourists' decisions to visit the Melasti Beach tourist attraction. The population of this study was Melasti beach visitors with a research sample of 80 people. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The findings of the study succeeded in confirming that there was a significant simultaneous and partial relationship between promotion variables via the Instagram platform, WOM, and tourist attractions on tourists' decisions to visit the Melasti Beach tourist attraction.
KEYWORDS:Tourist attraction, Tourist decision to visit, Instagram social media promotion, Word of Mouth
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