Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
1Insani Juniarti, 2Imam Hamzan Wijaya, 3Lina Komalasari, 4Neneng Ayu Mulyani, 5Nur Nafisah, 6Edy Herianto, 7Lalu Sumardi
1,2,3,4,5,6,7Master of Elementary Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Mataram
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-89Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aims to analyze the implementation of Civics learning as well as the impact of the implementation of learning Civics as base formation character students at SD Negeri 1 Buwun Mas. Types of this research is a study of qualitative with studies case. The source of the data comes from primary and secondary. The data was collected with the use method data collection in the form of observation and interviews. Analysis of data t was carried out through four stages, namely: data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and withdrawal conclusion. Research result This shows that PKN learning has held as it should with based on the applicable curriculum. However, learning PKN as a base formation character student in SD Negeri 1 Buwun Mas is still not effective. That matter was proven from the results summary interview to three guardians class at school that students did not show a change in behavior after learning Civics. Challenges experienced by teachers in the form of characterizing students through the implementation of PKN learning is lack of habituation to students so that behavior they only endure temporarily and back again when not reprimanded by the teacher or not supervised by the teacher. The formation of character students through the implementation of civic learning is not only done with the transfer of information from knowledge Because character students are not formed only through knowledge. Teachers should do three stages of formation moral that are moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral behavior. Implementation of Learning Civics based on the three stages above will effectively form character-consistent students.
KEYWORDS:Implementation of Learning PKN, Character of Students
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